Planting a forest on barren land
Matthijs Mees & Maikel Pauw | 15-05-2020To stop climate change, just reducing our CO2 emissions is not enough. To make a difference, CO2 must also be actively removed from the air on a large scale. There are different ways to do this, but by far the most effective, natural solution is planting trees. Land Life Company is committed to this by turning infertile and degraded land into forests.
The River Cleanup & Containersailship
Onne Sypkens & Sijmen Verveer | 16-01-2020The company eL-Tec develops innovative electrical engineering for various maritime and industrial projects. Since 2006 eL-Tec has been one of the most interesting costumers Innofunding has had, partly because it is an absolute pioneer when it comes to electric inland shipping. The list of maritime and sustainable energy innovations of eL-Tec for their customers is long. Their most recent achievements are the Interceptor and the Ventifoil.
Noisy heat pumps a thing of the past
Jaap Bunnik & Rebekka Lennings | 28-11-2019Optisolar is developing the Thermodule: a soundless and aesthetically pleasing heat source for heat pumps, with the support of several subsidies requested by Innofunding for the various development phases.
Less network congestion, more energy transition
Sijmen Verveer & Jasper van Hijfte | 28-10-2019The current Dutch energy trade markets are too limited to enable the full energy transition and are unsuitable for eliminating the growing congestion effects. Together with KPN, ENECO, ETPA and TNO, Innofunding has designed a TSE DEI + pilot project, with which a new transaction platform is being developed for flex operators to record the origin of energy.
Where cattle feed and algorithms meet
Rebekka Lennings & Sijmen Verveer | 30-09-2019ENGIE, Nirvention, het CWI en Voergroep Zuid ontwikkelen samen een innovatie die een flinke energiebesparing kan realiseren in veevoederproductielijnen.
A maintenance robot for windmill blades
Onne Sypkens & Sijmen Verveer | 27-08-2019The Top Sector Energy has granted a substantial subsidy to Fieldlab Zephyros through RVO for the smart maintenance innovation project AIRTuB (Automatic Inspection and Repair of Turbine Blades). We have set up this project with World Class Maintenance for a number of our high-tech customers.