Noisy heat pumps a thing of the past
Optisolar is developing the Thermodule: a soundless and aesthetically pleasing heat source for heat pumps, with the support of several subsidies requested by Innofunding for the various development phases.
You can no longer ignore it during a renovation: the heat pump. We have to get rid of gas usage, and heat pumps seem to be the ideal replacement for the central heating boiler. Only, heat pumps currently often use noisy and unattractive fans as a heat source. That makes use in residential areas far from ideal. An alternative is geothermal energy, where the warmth that exists deep in the earth is extracted silently, but where expensive installationwork is required. Optisolar saw an opportunity for improvement here. The innovative Thermodule is being developed with the help of several grants requested by Innofunding for the various phases of product development.
The Thermodule
The Thermodule is a unique profile designed by Optisolar, VITbouw and Murdoch Techniek. The profile, through which refrigerant flows, can be used as a fence or PVT system. The Thermodule extracts heat from the air very efficiently and silently, to use the heat for a building, and so functions as an alternative heat source for a heat pump. Due to the integration with existing roofs or fences, no extra space is needed and is it not necessary to place ugly products in the garden.
This promising heat source seems to be exactly what the energy transition needs to get rid of gas. Innofunding is happy to arrange financing for the various development stages of this unique innovation.
Also see:
This project has been carried out with a subsidy from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, National schemes for EZ subsidies, Topsector Energy carried out by Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland.