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Bibliographical Society grants 2017 (£ 4,000)

The Bibliographical Society in the U.K. invites applications for its fellowships and bursaries. Scholars engaged in bibliographical research (on, for example, book history, textual transmission, publishing, printing, bookbinding, book-ownership and book-collecting) may apply. Applications and references for the Pantzer Fellowship and Major Grants must arrive by January 6, 2017. Applications for Minor Grants and Conference Subventions may be submitted at any time.The Fellowships and Bursaries are the following:

Katharine F Pantzer Jr Research Fellowship: The Society has received a generous bequest from the estate of the distinguished bibliographer Katharine F. Pantzer Jr and has established two research awards in her memory: a Fellowship of up to £ 4,000, and a Scholarship of up to £ 1,500, to be awarded annually; 
Major grants: number of major awards, up to a maximum of £ 2,000 each, are offered. Several of these take the form of named awards. One will be associated with the name of the late Barry Bloomfield, sometime president of the Society, and one or more will be associated with the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association, which has generously contributed to the fund; 
Minor grants: the Society offers a limited number of minor grants, of £ 50 to £ 200, for specific purposes such as the costs of travel or of microfilming for research purposes (but not for attending conferences); 
Conference Subventions: The Society offers a number of subventions of up to £ 250 each to organizers of conferences so that they can help defray the cost of conference fees for two or more students.


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