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€ 320 million for key TEN-T infrastructure projects

In the last Calls of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) Programme the European Commission selected a total of 106 projects. The 52 projects selected from the 2013 Multi-Annual Call and the 54 from the 2013 Annual Call will use the EU’s financial support to bring forward the completion of the TEN-T network as well as studying innovative ways of reducing the transport sector’s carbon footprint.

The 2013 Multi-Annual Programme Call provides € 230 million of funding to 52 projects financing the highest priorities of the TEN-T network, focusing on five modal areas:
• Air Traffic Management (ATM) - 6 projects selected, € 9.39 million in funding;
• European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) - 10 projects selected, €37.63 million in funding;
• Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) - 6 projects selected, € 52.81 million in funding;
• Motorways of the Sea (MoS) - 15 projects selected, € 78.10 million in funding;
• Priority Projects (PPs) - 15 projects selected, € 52.07 million in funding.

The 2013 Annual Programme Call gives financing for 54 projects covering the different modes of transport, but also focusing on the decarbonisation of transport. This Call grants € 90.7 million in total funding in two main priority areas:
• Priority 1 – Studies concerning the acceleration/facilitation of the implementation of TEN-T projects - 27 projects selected, € 27.03 million in funding;
• Priority 2 - Measures to promote innovation and new technologies for transport infrastructure and facilities contributing to decarbonisation or the reduction of the external costs in general - 27 projects selected, € 63.66 million in funding.

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) finances projects which fill the missing links in Europe's energy, transport and digital backbone. The first Transport Call for proposals is expected to be launched in September 2014 and close in February 2015.

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