Chemistry - NWO CW TOP/ECHO 2013-2014 (€ 260.000 - € 2,000,000)
NWO invites proposals from researchers within the chemical sciences for the new ECHO and TOP grants Chemical Sciences. The closing date for the submission of proposals is 24 September 2013.
NWO CW promotes research in the following three focus areas:
• ECHO Grants - Chemistry in Relation to Biological/Medical Sciences (BM);
• ECHO Grants - Chemistry in Relation to Physics/Materials (FM);
• ECHO Grants - Chemistry in Relation to Technology/Sustainability.
Full professors, associate and assistant professors appointed at a Dutch university, or a research institute recognised by NWO can apply for an ECHO grant. Only researchers who have been appointed recently to a 'Sectorplan' position in an established chemical center of excellence can apply for an ECHO-STIP grant.
TOP Grants are for temporary research positions (PhD students, postdocs), consumables and equipment related to the proposed research. TOP-PUNT grants are intended for small teams of professors appointed in the chemical centers of excellence at the chemical departments of the SNS-organisations.
A researcher may (co-)submit only one application per NWO CW TOP/ECHO/TOP-PUNT/ECHO-STIP round.
For the 2013-2014 round, NWO's budget is approximately M€ 19. M€ 7.6 of the total budget is available for regular TOP and ECHO grants. The other M€ 11.5 is earmarked for strengthening research in the Chemical centers of excellence (chemische zwaartepunten) by means of TOP-PUNT (M€ 8) and ECHO-STIP (M€ 3.5) grants.
The TOP grants amount to € 780,000. Each year, for a maximum of six years, part of the grant amount allocated is paid. The maximum budget for a TOP-PUNT grant is € 2,000,000. Maximally 12.5% of the requested budget is allowed to be spent outside the applying chemical center(s) of excellence (i.e. maximally € 250,000).
The ECHO grants and ECHO-STIP grants amount to € 260.000.
InnoFunding B.V.
Nieuwe Gracht 7
2011 NB Haarlem