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Ataxia - NAF Research Post-Doc Fellowship Award 2014 ($ 35,000)

The National Ataxia Foundation (NAF) invites proposals for its Research Post-Doc Fellowship Award. Letters of Intent must be submitted on or before August 15, 2014. The Research Post-Doc Fellowship Award is a one-year grant up to $ 35,000. A Fellowship Award is to serve as a bridge from post-doctoral positions to junior faculty positions.

Applicants should have completed at least one year of post-doctoral training, but not more than two at the time of application, and should have shown a commitment to research in the field of ataxia. The award will permit individuals to spend an additional third year in a post-doctoral position and increase chances to establish an independent ataxia research program.

The National Ataxia Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of persons affected by ataxia through support, education, and research.

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