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Four new Horizon 2020 calls launched

The European Commission has launched four new calls for projects under the programme Horizon 2020 - EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The calls are published under the main pillar Societal Challenges.

The calls are the following:
• Blue growth: Unlocking the potential of Seas and Oceans - H2020-BG-2015-2: Deadline of submission is February 3, 2015. Deadline of stage 2 is June 11, 2015. The budget is: € 36,000,00;
• Sustainable food security - H2020-SFS-2015-2: Deadline of submission is February 3, 2015. Deadline of stage 2 is June 11, 2015. The budget is € 104,000,000;
• Sustainable food security - H2020-SFS-2015-1: Deadline of submission is June 11, 2015.The budget is € 500,000;
• Innovative, sustainable and inclusive bioeconomy - H2020-ISIB-2015-2: Deadline of submission is February 3, 2015. Deadline of stage 2 is June 11, 2015. The budget is € 15,000,000.

Horizon 2020 is the successor of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP). The budget is € 80 billion for the 7 years duration of the programme. Organisations that are involved in research, technological development, and innovation on an international scale and individual researchers can participate in the programme.

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