Interreg North Sea Region Programme 2014-2020 opens first call
The North Sea Region Programme invites project developers to submit an expression of interest or a full application in the first call of the 2014-2020 programme. The call will be open from 27 April to 30 June 2015. For the first call only, it is not necessary to submit an Expression of Interest before submitting a Full Application. Applicants may choose to go straight to a full application. The North Sea Region Programme 2014 - 2020 focuses on four themes that are most relevant and pressing across the region:
• Thinking Growth: Supporting growth in North Sea Region economies;
• Eco-innovation: Stimulating the green economy;
• Sustainable North Sea Region: Protecting against climate change and preserving the environment;
• Promoting green transport and mobility.
The North Sea Region Programme facilitates transnational cooperation between 49 regions in seven countries by the North Sea.
This is the first call and the full programme budget is available. All partners can claim reimbursement of 50% of costs for all project activities. There is no formal minimum or maximum budget for projects but projects will be assessed on value for money and larger projects will be expected to deliver significant benefits to the programme area.
Contrary to advice given before finalization of the call document, it has now been decided
that in-kind costs will not be eligible under the North Sea Region programme.
Please note that it will not be possible to contract first call projects until the
Cooperation Programme has been formally adopted by the European Commission. NSR currently estimate that this should happen mid 2015.
InnoFunding B.V.
Nieuwe Gracht 7
2011 NB Haarlem