EU Consumer Programme 2014-2020: Exchange of Officials
CHAFEA, the Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency invites applications for the support of exchange of officials in the areas of Consumer Product Safety (GPSD) and Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC) under the Consumer Programme 2014-2020. The final deadline of submissions is November 28, 2014. The indicative budget is € 170,000 for both the GSPD and CPC exchange Programmes. The budget available per exchange is up to € 25,000.
For more detailed information and documents please click here.
The date foreseen for the exchange must fall between July 1, 2014 and February 15, 2015. Applications must be sent by the representatives of the GPSD or CPC Committee to Chafea at least 30 days before the starting date of the exchange. In case of request of pre-financing, a minimum of 45 days should be foreseen before the starting date of the exchange.
The Consumer Programme 2014-2020 will support EU consumer policy in the years to come. It aims to help the citizens fully enjoy their consumer rights and actively participate in the Single Market, thus supporting growth, innovation and meeting the objectives of Europe 2020.
Build on the previous programme (2007-2013), Consumer Programme 2014-2020 will focus on four key areas:
• a single market of safe products for the benefit of citizens and as a component of competitive businesses and traders;
• a single market where citizens are well represented by professional consumer organisations whose capacity is built to meet the challenges of today's economic environment;
• a market where citizens are aware and exercise their rights as consumers so that they contribute to the growth of competitive markets, citizens must enjoy access to redress mechanisms in case of problems without needing to resort to court procedures which are lengthy and costly for them and the governments;
• a concrete and effective collaboration between national bodies to support the enforcement of consumer rights, support the consumers with advice.
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