New ESPON Calls for Tenders
The ESPON 2013 Programme (European Spatial Planning Observatory Network) announces two new Calls for Tenders. The closing date for submitting proposals is September 17, 2013. Deadline for requesting the documentation is September 6, 2013. The tenders are the following:
• Call for Tender ESPON Tools (2011-2014) - TIA Web application;
• Call for Tender ESPON Update of Maps (2011-2014) - Travel time matrices on Accessibility.
The maximum available budget for each tender is € 75,000.
The mission of the ESPON 2013 Programme is to support policy development in relation to the aim of territorial cohesion and a harmonious development of the European territory by providing comparable information, evidence, analyses and scenarios on territorial dynamics and revealing territorial capital and potentials for development of regions and larger territories contributing to European competitiveness, territorial cooperation and a sustainable and balanced development.
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