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Second call Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) research programme launched

The SRHR research programme implements the research component of the Knowledge Platform for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Share-Net International, initiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. This new call focuses on Bangladesh. The call is a reopening of the first call and solicits proposals for research to be carried out in Bangladesh by consortia of at least two research organisations from across the globe, one of which from Bangladesh.

Engagement with practitioner organisations in Bangladesh is strongly recommended. This call was reopend for all applicants, thus both for new applicants, as well as for applicants whose proposal was earlier rejected and are given this opportunity to improve their proposal and reapply.

Proposals with a multi-/inter-disciplinary approach should be submitted by consortia consisting of at least two research organisations: a research institution from Bangladesh and a research institution from across the globe.
The proposal should comprise scientific research combined with adequate communication, knowledge exchange and capacity strengthening activities. It should demonstrate active engagement with relevant (external) stakeholders (practitioner organisations, target group representatives) throughout the project.

The budget for the call is € 1.55 million. The maximum grant size depends upon project duration and amounts to € 255,000 for a 18-months project and € 340,000 for a 24-months project.

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