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NWO publishes call for short stay in China

NWO invites applications for the grant Travel and subsistence costs, seminars within the programme Cooperation China (NSFC). Applications can be submitted any time. The grant offers funding for a short stay in China of a Dutch scientist, or in the Netherlands of a Chinese scientist, for all scientific disciplines except for the social and behavioural sciences and humanities. Joint Chinese-Dutch seminars can be funded as well.
The aim of Cooperation China travel and subsistence costs, seminars is to promote the contacts between Dutch and Chinese researchers in the area of the natural sciences. The funding arises from a joint agreement between NWO and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in Beijing.

The budget is € 185,000 per half year.

For a stay in China of one to three months, NWO remunerates the international travel costs up to € 930 and NSFC remunerates the local travel and subsistence costs.
For a stay in the Netherlands, NWO funds local travel costs up to an amount of € 125 per month, and subsistence costs up to € 1,750 per month for a senior researcher and € 2,000 per month for a professor. NSFC pays for the international travel costs.
For a seminar to be jointly organised in the Netherlands or China, a contribution towards the costs can be applied for. Funding is possible for seminars of between 3 and 7 days and for a maximum of 10 participants per country. As home organisation, NWO remunerates the international travel costs up to € 930 per person, and local travel and subsistence costs with an amount of € 175 per person per day. The amount per seminar is up to € 15,000.

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