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NWO call for Dutch researchers to cooperate with colleagues in Taiwan

NWO has a cooperation agreement with the National Science Council of Taiwan. The Cooperation Taiwan (NSC) programme is for Dutch researchers who want to cooperate with colleagues in Taiwan. It offers the opportunity of a short stay in Taiwan or a joint seminar in the Netherlands or Taiwan. Applications can be submitted any time. NSC aims to facilitate contacts between Dutch and Taiwanese researchers.
Grants for a maximum of 24 months are available each year for short stays and seminars taken together. The budget is € 185,000 per half year.

For a short stay in Taiwan, NWO meets the costs of international travel up to € 1,070 and NSC covers the costs of local travel, subsistence and health insurance.
For a short stay in the Netherlands, NWO funds local travel costs up to an amount of € 125 per month, and subsistence costs up to € 1,750 per month for a senior researcher and € 2,000 per month for a professor. Furthermore NWO makes a contribution to the costs of health insurance of € 100 per month.
For a seminar to be jointly organised in the Netherlands or Taiwan, NWO meets the costs of international travel up to € 1,070 per person. When acting as host organisation, NWO meets local travel and subsistence
costs of € 175 per person per day, and may make a contribution towards the costs of the seminar; depending on the number of participants (max. 10 per team), this may amount to a maximum of € 1,000 per day. The amount per seminar is up to € 15,000.

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