New COSME call Supporting the promotion and development of transnational thematic tourism products
The European Commission has published a new call under the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME). The call Supporting the promotion and development of transnational thematic tourism products linked to cultural and creative industries - COS-TOURCCI-2017-3-03 has a budget of € 1,500,000. Deadline for submission is June 29, 2017.
This call for proposals aims at co-funding projects developing and promoting transnational tourism products related specifically to the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) subsector 'cultural heritage'. A UNESCO cultural site/s must be the focal point around which the transnational product is built. A particular focus is also being placed on using CCIs-related technologies in promoting these tourism products and enhancing visitor'experience.
General objectives of this call for proposals are to:
- Support growth and job creation in tourism and CCIs;
- Stimulate competitiveness of the tourism industry, innovation, diversification and valorisation of European tourism offer;
- Develop and enhance synergies between tourism and CCIs;
- Create a favourable framework to SME’s cooperation;
- Foster transnational cooperation of all actors along the tourism value chain;
- Facilitate long-term European public-private partnerships.
For more detailed information and documents please click here.
The COSME programme aims to make it easier for SMEs to access finance in all phases of their lifecycle - creation, expansion, or business transfer.
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