First COST Open call for proposals in Horizon 2020
COST brings together researchers and experts in different countries working on specific topics. COST does not fund research itself, but supports networking activities such as meetings, conferences, short-term scientific exchanges and outreach activities. Currently more than 280 scientific networks (Actions) are supported. COST is witnessing towards the new research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020.
The Open Call will continue organising its two yearly collection dates. The Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) has exceptionally decided to combine the 2014-2 collection date with the 2015 ones. The next dates will be the first under Horizon 2020, as well as the first under the COST Association. However, Horizon 2020 negotiations are still ongoing, which is why the next Open Call publication dates may be different than usual.
The CSO will also decide upon the revision of the evaluation and selection procedures between May and November 2014, ensuring transparent mechanisms and openness for all science and technology fields. Once the Horizon 2020 programme and the new evaluation and selection procedures have been adopted, the COST Open Call calendar will also be updated and will provide further details.
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