NWO call Programme for Educational Research - Interlinked Research Projects (€ 750,000)
NWO invites applications for the grant Interlinked Research Projects within the Programme for Educational Research. Deadline for proposals is February 4, 2014. The grant is an instrument to make greater depth and coherency possible within the Dutch Programme Council for Educational Research (PROO). The primary role of the PROO is to fund research into Dutch educational practice and policy. Only proposals for subjects within the following research lines may be submitted:
• Educational learning processes and their outcomes;
• Educational personnel and school organisation;
• The education system;
• The pedagogic function of education.
The total budget available for the call is € 4 million. Funding is up to € 750,000 for a maximum duration of five years.
InnoFunding B.V.
Nieuwe Gracht 7
2011 NB Haarlem