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Launch third call EUROGIA2020

EUROGIA2020, the EUREKA low-carbon energy technology cluster has launched its third call for the submission of transnational low-carbon energy related research and development projects. The process is one of continuous submission with 4 cut-off dates per year. The next cut-off date is September 22, 2014. The call is open to innovative project ideas that will reduce the carbon footprint of energy production and use potentially qualify for EUROGIA2020 label.

Projects' participants must be organisations from the EUREKA Member Countries. As a consortium of partners, they submit a project proposal to EUROGIA2020 for technical evaluation. The consortium must comprise at least two industrial companies-Large, Small or Medium sized enterprises- from two different EUREKA member countries. The active participation of research institutes or universities is strongly encouraged when not made mandatory. The contribution from any given country must not exceed 66% of the total budget. In parallel, the contribution from any one partner (affiliated organisations count as one partner) must not exceed 66% of the total budget either.

EUROGIA2020 goal is to support and promote international partnerships developping innovative projects in low-carbon energy technologies. It is a bottom-up, industry driven, market oriented programme which addresses all areas of the energy mix, from renewable energy to efficiency, and reduction of carbon footprint of fossil fuels.

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