Winners of the Bio Art & Design Award announced
Three projects, each worth € 25,000, have been selected as winners of the Bio Art & Design Award 2015. In each project a Dutch bioscientist is involved. The winners were chosen by an international jury, consisting of independent experts from the bioart & design world and the Life Sciences from ten teams of collaborating international artists/designers and scientists from Dutch researchinstitutions. The winners will illustrate their projects at the science-meets-press event Bessensap on June 12.
The winning teams are:
• The MSA: Microbiome Security Agency:
artist Emma Dorothy Conley (Ireland)
and scientist Dr. Guus Roeselers (Microbiology & Systembiology, TNO);
• Drones with desires: artist Agi Haines (United Kingdom) and scientists Dr. Marcel de Jeu & Dr. Jos van der Geest (Neurosciences, Erasmus MC);
• The Art of Deception:
artist Isaac Monté (Sri Lanka)
and scientist Prof. Toby Kiers (Department of Ecological Science, VU).
As of November 27, 2015, the accomplished artworks by the winners are on show at MU artspace in Eindhoven.
The Bio Art & Design Award aims to stimulate emerging designers and artists to delve into the world of bioart and biodesign, and produce new work in close collaboration with prestigious Dutch Life Science institutes working in numerous fields such as sustainability, food, health, biotechnology and horticulture. The Award highlights and explores exciting new intersections among design, artistic practice and the Life Sciences. The award is a product of collaboration between ZonMW, NWO, MU, BioArt Laboratories, TU/e and Waag Society. The selection procedure will be organized by ZonMw. Deadline for submitting applications was February 2, 2015.
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