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Third call NWO Replication Studies open for applications

NWO invites researchers with a PhD to submit applications for the third round of the call Replication Studies, which includes also the humanities. Funding can be requested for the replication of 'cornerstone research' in the disciplines of NWO Social Sciences and ZonMw. Deadline is June 6, 2019. The budget available is € 1 million. Funding is up to € 75,000 for a Type 1 project and up to € 150,000 for a Type 2 study. The maximum duration of the research is two years.

With this pilot programme NWO wants to encourage researchers to carry out replication research. NWO also wants to gain experience that can lead to insights into an effective way of including replication research in research programmes and to obtain insight into and a reflection on the requirements that NWO sets for research in terms of methodology and transparency. There are three types of replication research:

  1. Reproduction: replication with existing data - repeated analysis of the datasets from the original study;
  2. Replication with new data: new data collection with the same research protocol as the original study;
  3. Replication with the same research question: new data collection with a different design from the original study in which the research question remains unchanged compared to the original research.

In this pilot only research that falls under the first two categories will be financed.

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