Weekly new calls from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) March 22, 2013
The National Institutes of Health's (NIH) mission is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce the burdens of illness and disability. It is the largest source of funding for medical research in the world, creating hundreds of thousands of high-quality jobs by funding thousands of scientists in universities and research institutions around the world.
These are the weekly NIH funding opportunities of March 22, 2013:
• Cooperative Centers on Human Immunology (U19): Letter of Intent Due Date June 28, 2013;
• Advancing Exceptional Research on HIV/AIDS (R01): Letter of Intent Due Date July 1, 2013;
• Limited Competition: Revision Applications for Basic Social and Behavioral Research on the Social, Cultural, Biological, and Psychological Mechanisms of Stigma (R01): Letter of Intent Due Date July 2, 2013;
• Development of Animal Models and Related Biological Materials for Research (R21): Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement;
• Home and Family Based Approaches for the Prevention or Management of Overweight or Obesity in Early Childhood (R01): Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement;
• Home and Family Based Approaches for the Prevention or Management of Overweight or Obesity in Early Childhood (R21): Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement;
• Development and Characterization of Animal Models for Aging Research (R01): Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement;
• Development and Characterization of Animal Models for Aging Research (R21): Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement;
• NCI Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (NCI Omnibus R21): Application Due Date(s) June 28, 2013; October 28, 2013; February 28, 2014; June 27, 2014; October 28, 2014; February 27, 2015; June 29, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization;
• NIAID Clinical Trial Implementation Grant (R01): Letter of Intent Due Date(s) 30 days before the application due date. Application Due Date(s) June 4, 2013; September 11, 2013; January 13, 2014; May 13, 2014; September 11, 2014; January 13, 2015; May 13, 2015; September 11, 2015; and January 13, 2016, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization. Applicants are encouraged to apply early to allow adequate time to make any corrections to errors found in the application during the submission process by the due date;
• NIAID Clinical Trial Planning Grant (R34): Letter of Intent Due Date(s) 30 days before the application due date. Application Due Date(s) June 4, 2013; September 11, 2013; January 13, 2014; May 13, 2014; September 11, 2014; January 13, 2015; May 13, 2015; September 11, 2015; and January 13, 2016, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization. Applicants are encouraged to apply early to allow adequate time to make any corrections to errors found in the application during the submission process by the due date;
• NIAID Clinical Trial Implementation Cooperative Agreement (U01): Letter of Intent Due Date(s) 30 days before the application due date. Application Due Date(s) June 4, 2013; September 11, 2013; January 13, 2014; May 13, 2014; September 11, 2014; January 13, 2015; May 13, 2015; September 11, 2015; and January 13, 2016, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
For more active Requests for Applications (RFAs) and Program Announcements (PAs) please click here.
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