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New HERA Joint call Uses of the Past open

The Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) Network invite transnational consortia to submit proposals for a new Joint Research Programme under the theme Uses of the Past. Deadline of submission is April 9, 2015. This programme funds new and exciting humanities-centred projects involving researchers from four or more participating countries. Up to € 20 million will be available for the programme. NWO acts as the handling agency for the application and selection process.

Transnational consortia can submit proposals for humanities-led research into the various ways in which our understandings and representations of the past have had and do have significant impact on our present and future. Proposed research may draw upon insights and methodologies from a wide spectrum of arts and humanities disciplines. Although humanities-driven, consortia are explicitly invited to involve contributions from other research domains where appropriate. 

The call is funded by national funding from HERA partners and the European Union. Researchers based in the following countries may apply: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

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