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Part 2 JTI Biobased Industries 2015 published

The Joint Undertaking on Bio-based Industries (BBI) has published the second part of the 2015 call for proposals. The deadline is December 3, 2015. The call with identifier H2020-BBI-JTI-2015-2-1 has a budget of € 106,000,000. The call focuses on research and innovation actions including demonstration actions. This call completes the 2015 call process which was kicked off on May 19 with the first call focused on Flagships.

More information on this call can also be found at the Participant Portal under the programme Horizon 2020. It is published under the main pillar Societal Challenges: Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy.

The Joint Undertaking on BBI is a public-private partnership aiming at increasing investment in the development of a sustainable bio-based industry sector in Europe. It aims at providing environmental and socio-economic benefits for European citizens, increasing the competitiveness of Europe and contributing to establishing Europe as a key player in research, demonstration and deployment of advanced bio-based products and biofuels. The BBI Joint Undertaking will also play an important role in achieving a bioeconomy in Europe.

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