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NWO/India cooperation X-ray Astronomy and Technology - visits and seminars

NWO invites applications from researchers from India and the Netherlands for individual visits and seminars in the scientific cooperation with India, in X-ray Astronomy, including technology development. Proposals can be submitted at any time.

The Indo-Dutch exchange programme provides for two modalities:
• Individual Visits with a minimum stay of one week, and a maximum stay of three months. In case a Dutch scientist visits India, funding is up to € 900 per international flight plus local transport and accomodation;
• Joint Research Seminars: The maximum to be applied for per seminar is € 10,000 on the NL side. In case the seminar is organised in India, please take into account the maximum of € 900 per international flight ticket.

The budget is € 50.000 per year, for the five year period 2013-2018.

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