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First two calls Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking launched

Shift2Rail, the Joint Undertaking (S2R JU) backed by the European Commission and the rail industry, published its first two calls for proposals, endowed with € 170 million to support innovation in railways. The calls are published at the Participant Portal of the EC and meant for S2R JU members (CFM) and non-JU members (OC), aimed at driving innovation in railways under Horizon 2020. Deadline of submissions for both calls is March 17, 2016. 
This first batch of calls covers the five Shift2Rail Innovation Programmes and is split into two categories: calls reserved for Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking members only, for a total value of € 63.7 million, and open calls for a total value of € 26.1 million. The open calls will be available to companies, universities, research institutes and others who are not Shift2Rail members. 
January 20, 2016, a Shift2Rail information event will be organised by S2R JU for non-JU members (open calls), in Brussels. To register for the event, please click here.
Shift2Rail is the first European rail joint technology initiative to seek focused research and innovation (R&I) and market-driven solutions by accelerating the integration of new and advanced technologies into innovative rail product solutions. Shift2Rail will promote the competitiveness of the European Rail Industry and will meet the changing EU transport needs. Through the R&I carried out within this Horizon 2020 initiative, the necessary technology will be created to complete the Single European Railway Area (SERA).

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