Physics contest - 1000 Euro Proefjes
1000 Euro Proefjes is a contest for graduate students who have an excellent idea for a novel physics demonstration in mind. The main goal is to assemble simple, direct, and educational low-cost experimental demonstrations for the fundamental concepts related to one of the recent major discoveries in physics. The deadline for submitting a proposal is September 30, 2014.
Submissions can be from individuals or teams. No individual can be part of two submissions. Entrants are not required to be from academic institutions. However, submissions by companies can only be accepted subject to the condition that the demonstration is not presented as part of a commercial activity. A maximum amount of € 1,000 will be available for each granted application for purchasing the necessary equipments.
The first call of 1000 Euro Proefjes is supported by Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging and Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie.
InnoFunding B.V.
Nieuwe Gracht 7
2011 NB Haarlem