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Five projects awarded in NWO Smart Governance

The division of Social Sciences (MaGW) of NWO has funded € 2.3 million for five projects in the programme Smart Governance (Slimme Sturing). This programme aims to stimulate excellent interdisciplinary research and partnerships between university and non-university partners, such as private, public and societal organisations. In order to achieve this goal all involved collaborating parties in a project need to establish a consortium.

The awarded projects are the following:
• Enhancing smart disaster governance: Assessing the potential of the net-centric approach - Principal investigator: Dr. ir. F.K. Boersma, Vrije Universiteit;
• Governance for Smartening Public Private Partnerships - Principal investigator: Prof. J.F.M. Koppenjan, Erasmus Universiteit;
• Hybrid local governance in multiple social domains - Principal investigator: Dr. A.J. de Roo, Erasmus Universiteit;
• Smart Transformations in City-regional Law and Governance - Principal investigator: Dr. L. Schaap, Universiteit van Tilburg;
• Next generation governance arrangements for sustainable global value chains - Principal investigator: Prof. dr. ir. C.J.A.M. Termeer, Wageningen Universiteit.

NWO received 21 applications for the call. The daedline for the submission of full proposals was 14 January 2014. Click here for more information about the awarded projects.

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