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NWO Vici 2017 open

NWO invites applications for the Vici-call within the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme (Vernieuwingsimpuls). Deadline for submitting preliminary proposals is March 2, 2017. The Vici grant gives senior researchers the opportunity to build up their own research group, often in anticipation of a tenured professorship. Researchers who have obtained their PhD within the last 15 years can apply. The maximum amount of grant will be € 1,500,000.The Innovational Research Incentives Scheme offers personal grants to talented, creative researchers. The funding enables applicants to do their own line of research. This boosts innovative research and promotes mobility within scientific research institutes. The deadline for the submission of a full proposal is August 24, 2017. 
As of 2017, the entire procedure, including interviews, will be arranged in five offices: four corresponding to the domains of the new NWO and a cross-domain office for requests that exceed the boundaries of the NWO domains. The five offices are: Social Sciences and Humanities (SGW), Sciences (ENW), Applied Engineering Sciences (TTW), Health Research and Development (ZonMw), and requests the office for Crossdomain (DO). All Vici applications are assessed in a nationwide competition.

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