

Clean Sky Call for Core Partners Wave 3 open for submissions

The European Commission has launched the call Clean Sky 2 Call for Core Partners Wave 3. Deadline for submitting applications is July 30, 2015. The call with identifier H2020-CS2-CPW03-2015-02 has a total budget of € 95,900,000 and features six topics. For more detailed information on this call and documents please click here.
Clean Sky 2 will enable a natural continuation to the progress achieved in the first Clean Sky Programme launched under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7), which will end in 2017. The projects included in this first ground-breaking aeronautical JTI Programme are demonstrating strong results: the potential for significant reductions in emissions, important noise reductions, and more efficient use of raw materials and the Earth's resources. Close alignment in time and in content between projects of Clean Sky 2 to its predecessor will allow for a seamless transmission of technical progress.

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