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Leprosy Research Initiative - Call for proposals 2016 (€ 50,000)

The Lep­rosy Research Ini­tia­tive (LRI) is pleased to announce a call for pro­pos­als for fund­ing com­menc­ing in 2016. The LRI exclu­sively funds research on lep­rosy or that is strongly related to lep­rosy and wel­comes pro­pos­als for all five LRI research pri­or­i­ties. To be con­sid­ered for the bud­get round 2016, LoIs should be sub­mit­ted by Feb­ru­ary 28th, 2015.

The Lep­rosy Research Ini­tia­tive is a com­bined ven­ture of the Nether­lands Lep­rosy Relief (NLR), Amer­i­can Lep­rosy Mis­sions (ALM), Ger­man Lep­rosy and Tuber­cu­lo­sis Relief Asso­ci­a­tion (GLRA) and effect:hope (The Lep­rosy Mis­sion Canada). Guided by an allied pol­icy with clearly defined research pri­or­i­ties, the four part­ners decided to (among others) estab­lish a joint fund to sup­port lep­rosy research.

Among the pri­or­i­ties of the LRI, research to ‘Pro­mote inclu­sion of per­sons affected by lep­rosy in soci­ety’ is cur­rently under­rep­re­sented. There­fore, the LRI will reserve € 100,000 of the 2016 bud­get for pilot projects with a max­i­mum total bud­get of € 50,000 per project specif­i­cally for appli­ca­tions address­ing inclu­sion research. Researchers inter­ested to apply for fund­ing by the LRI are invited to com­plete and sub­mit a Let­ter of Intent (LoI), giv­ing an out­line of the intended research.

Please check the Leprosy Research Initiative's joint policy for all five research priorities.

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