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NWO opens second call Graduate school horticulture and starting materials (€ 231,250)

NWO has opened the second call within the programme Graduate school horticulture and starting materials. Deadline for applications is June 16, 2015. This program offers talented MSc students the opportunity to write their own proposal for a PhD project within Horticulture and Starting Materials. This research area has been assigned as an economic priority area by the Dutch government. The funding budget for this round is up to € 925,000. A maximum of four projects can be awarded. The maximum budget that a consortium can request from NWO is € 231,250.

The aim of the programme is to promote innovative, high-quality scientific research within the research field Horticulture and Starting Materials. This research lays broad foundations for strategic, applied and valorisation research and offers prospects of helping to resolve societal and economic issues within this top sector. The programme also aims to train researchers and to promote the exchange of knowledge between knowledge institutes, public institutions and companies.

A consortium, consisting of at least one knowledge institution eligible for NWO grants together with at least one private company, may apply. One or more public partners may take part in the consortium. Plantum will facillitate matchmaking and candidates who are interested in matchmaking can indicate their interest via email no later than April 23 at

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