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Call JTI Biobased Industries 2019

The Joint Undertaking on Bio-based Industries (BBI) has anounced the 2019 call for proposals Bio Based Industries PPP. Deadline for submitting applications is September 4, 2019. The call with identifier H2020-BBI-JTI-2019 has an indicative budget of € 135 million. There are 21 topics that can be funded: ten Research & Innovation Actions (RIAs), four Demonstration Actions (DEMOs), three Flagship actions (FLAGs), and four Coordination & Support Actions (CSAs).

The 2019 call is the sixth in a total of seven calls that will be published between 2014 and 2020. There are four strategic orientations, namely Feedstock, Process, Products, and Market uptake. Call opening (indicative): April 4, 2019. For more information please check the annual work plan 2019, which also contains the full topic texts. 


The Joint Undertaking on BBI is a public-private partnership aiming at increasing investment in the development of a sustainable bio-based industry sector in Europe. It aims at providing environmental and socio-economic benefits for European citizens, increasing the competitiveness of Europe and contributing to establishing Europe as a key player in research, demonstration and deployment of advanced bio-based products and biofuels. The BBI Joint Undertaking will also play an important role in achieving a bioeconomy in Europe.

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