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ZonMw publishes Gender in Research Fellowship

ZonMw invites applications for the Gender in Research Fellowship. Deadline of submissions is May 9, 2019. The Gender and Health Knowledge Programme will provide Gender in Research Fellowships for (inter)national graduate and post-doctoral trainees to attend the Gender and Health course and participate in the Gender in Research workshop at the Erasmus Summer Programme (ESP) from August 19-23 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

To realise quality health care, a sex and gender dimension needs to be integrated in all aspects of health research and clinical practice. In the final week of the Erasmus Summer Programme, ESP and ZonMw offer a joint programme to further knowledge and skills in gender, health and research through the Gender and Health course and Gender in Research workshops.


The total budget available is € 40,000, of which approximately 20 fellowships of up to € 2,000 each, will be funded. Applicants for the fellowship must be registered in a doctoral programme or be at the post-doctoral degree stage. Applicants at the post-doctoral stage can only apply within 5 years after completing their PhD. This funding opportunity is open to Dutch as well as non-Dutch applicants.

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