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Cancer - TRANSCAN third Joint Transnational Call

The Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding) and ZonMw invite applications for the third Joint Transnational Call of Translational Cancer Research (TRANSCAN). Deadline for submitting pre-proposals is February 3, 2014. KWF Kankerbestrijding and ZonMw are partners of the ERA-NET on TRANSCAN. The TRANSCAN ERA-NET has been established with the ultimate goal of coordinating the research efforts and funding programmes of EU Member States and Associated Countries in translational cancer research. The topic of the call is: "Translational research on tertiary prevention in cancer patients".

The call JTC 2013 aims at supporting transnational innovative projects in cancer prevention, focussing on tertiary prevention in cancer patients. Projects must be based on novel ideas stemming from consolidated previous results, with a strong translational research orientation. KWF Kankerbestrijding has committed € 1,000,000 to allow Dutch researchers to participate in transnational collaborations. Eligible candidates are academic, clinical or public health sector research groups, according to the grant conditions of KWF Kankerbestrijding.

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