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Postcode Lottery Green Challenge 2014: 324 people sent in their sustainable business plans

The entry period for the Postcode Lottery Green Challenge 2014 is closed. 324 sustainable start-ups have a chance at winning € 500,000. An additional € 200,000 will go to one or two runners-up. Business plans were submitted from 57 countries. Most of the entries are from The Netherlands (103), the USA (48), Great-Britain (19), Sweden (17) and India (17). The bulk of the entries fall in the Energy category (176), followed by Lifestyle (57), Cradle to Cradle (51), ICT (20) and Mobility (20).

On August 11th the preliminary jury will announce who the five to seven finalists are. These finalists will pitch their sustainable business plans before the international jury and a selected audience in Amsterdam on Thursday September 11th. The jury, chaired by British Ellen MacArthur, will then announce the winner and runner-up(s).

The world must embrace a new, greener lifestyle. One bright idea can make a big difference. To encourage and aid the invention of great new green products and services, the Dutch Postcode Lottery will proudly host the annual competition 'Postcode Lottery Green Challenge'. The competition calls on creative, innovative thinkers from around the world to submit business plans for sustainable products and services. Entries should directly reduce CO2 emissions, score highly on design, user-friendliness and quality, and ready to be in the market in two years.

The Postcode Lottery Green Challenge is open to any individual from any country from the age of 18 years and to companies, businesses, institutions and all other organisations.

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