NWO publishes second round Social (re)integration of adolescents and adults with autism and psychosis
NWO has published the second round of the call Social (re)integration of adolescents and adults with autism and psychosis. Deadline for submitting proposals is June 6, 2019. The main aim is to promote high-quality research into interventions in the areas of a) living, b) leisure activities, and c) perception of people with autism spectrum and/or schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders. The budget available for this round is € 1.8 million. Funding is up to € 350,000 per project.
Research with high relevance for and applicability of results in practice is strongly encouraged and should have a solid theoretical or scientific basis. Applicants are expected to use existing databases and information from knowledge centres (for example, the Netherlands Youth Institute and the Knowledge Centre for Child and Youth Psychiatry) to substantiate their proposals.
Applications may be submitted by a professor or a postdoc researcher associated with a Dutch university, an NWO or KNAW institute or an institute recognised by NWO. Applicants who are not affiliated with an institute recognised by NWO can apply in partnership with senior researchers associated with a university. In that case, the researcher associated with the institute recognised by NWO is the main applicant.
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