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New Responsible Innovation call published

NWO has published the new call for the programme Responsible Innovation (NWO Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Innoveren - MVI). Deadline for submitting preliminary proposals is June 14, 2016. Consortia of researchers and private partners may submit applications for proactive research into ethical and societal aspects of new innovations. The total budget available is € 6,150,000. Funding can be requested for two kinds of projects:

Large projects: € 500,000, € 375,000 of € 250,000;
Small projects: € 125,000.

Multidisciplinary research teams develop innovation trajectories in close cooperation with stakeholders. Ethical and societal aspects play an important role in these trajectories right from the very start. The central role of societal relevance in innovation enables the realisation of innovations and potential products and services that re late to the grand societal challenges, both now and in the long er term. Furthermore, MVI projects can prevent the occurrence of problems at a later stage and the need for complex adaptations. Ethical and societal requirements for new services and products can also be drivers of innovation instead of impediments to it. 
The deadline for submitting a full research proposal is September 8, 2016.

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