First Joint Call ERANID open
The European Research Area Network on Illicit Drugs (ERANID) launched its first Joint call on September 15, 2015. It aims at funding multidisciplinary transnational research in 'Understanding drug use pathways'. Deadline of submissions is November 24, 2015. ZonMw participates as the Dutch funding organisation with an initial budget of € 700,000. Funding for Dutch applicants is up to € 250,000.
Applicants belonging to one of the following categories, according to the national funding organisation’s regulations for research funding may apply: Public and private scientific, research, technological and innovation institutions; Universities; Research active industry; NGOs; other institutions involved in research activities as long as they are eligible for funding.
ERANID is an ERA-NET scheme which consists of eleven organisations in six different EU Member States (Belgium, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal & United Kingdom). The network aims to improve cooperation in drug research in order to allow well-founded policy decisions.
The content of the call reflects the findings of a large programme of work to identify common research priorities for illicit drugs in Europe. A series of consultations with a wide range of stakeholders - within the 6 ERANID member-states and at international level - provided the basis for ERANID's Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) published earlier in 2015. The development of the SRA also considered existing research and this call aims to build upon the large body of existing research and the identified SRA priorities to fund innovative research that has the potential to provide lasting knowledge on illicit drugs. ERANID focuses on socio-economic sciences and humanities (SSH) and encourages an interdisciplinary approach to research in this area. Important contributions from other disciplines, when in combination with a core SSH approach in the proposals, are welcome. The topics chosen for this first call touches on several areas of the SRA and potential applicants are invited to read this document to seek additional ideas to build research proposals.
InnoFunding B.V.
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