Specific call COSME Maximising synergies between tourism, high-end and creative industries
The European Commission has published a specific call under the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME). The objective of the call, is to support the development and promotion of one (new) European Route around one high-end / luxury product, to test the possibility of developing synergies between the tourism and the high-end industries at European level. The call is not open to all luxury products.
Three products have been selected on the basis of their economic potential and capacity to diversify European offer during the low season:
• luxury perfume;
• chocolate;
• cars.
The closing date for applications is September 11, 2014. The call with identifier COS-TSYNER-2014-3-15 has a budget of € 400,000. For further information about this call and documents please click here.
InnoFunding B.V.
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2011 NB Haarlem