Fifth edition of workshop Physics with Industry in Leiden
The Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), Technology Foundation STW and the Lorentz Center organise the fifth edition of the workshop Physics with Industry, which will take place on November 23-27, 2015 at the Lorentz Center in Leiden. The registration deadline is October 2, 2015. Aim of the workshop is for young physicists to create original solutions for industrial problems, for them to get introduced to industrial R&D and for companies to get in touch with young talents.
Participants of the workshop are physicists from research organisations in the Netherlands and Europe, and researchers of the participating companies: Antea Group, Friesland Campina, Sensortag Solutions, Tata Steel en Vycap. The majority of the participants are PhD students or postdocs. The scientists are supported by senior researchers, to ensure progress and the highest scientific quality.
Researchers can register for the workshop Physics with Industry at the website of the Lorentz Center.
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