

Astrophysics, Nanoscience and Neuroscience - Kavli Prize 2014 ($ 1,000,000)

The Kavli Foundation invites nominations for its Kavli Prize 2014. Nominations may be submitted from September 1 until December 1, 2013. The Kavli Prize is a partnership between The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, The Kavli Foundation (US) and The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. The prize, which is awarded every second year, recognizes scientists for their seminal advances in three research areas: astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience. It consists of $ 1,000,000 in each of the scientific fields.

The Kavli Prize was established to:
• Recognise outstanding scientific research;
• Honour highly creative scientists;
• Promote public understanding of scientists and their work;
• Foster international cooperation among scientists.

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