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New CIP call Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Within the CIP Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme a new call has been published for the programme Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. Deadline for applications is July 9, 2013. The EIP call with identifier 63-G-ENT-CIP-13-E-N01C011 has a budget of € 4,650,000. Please check here for further information about this call.

The call aims to select Intermediary Organisations, active in business support, to manage the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme locally. These organisations will recruit and assist entrepreneurs to participate in the programme by organising the exchanges abroad. These exchanges enable new or would-be entrepreneurs to work alongside experienced entrepreneurs in another EU or CIP participating country. Entrepreneurs thereby acquire new skills, enrich their experiences and broaden their network, which enhances entrepreneurship, as well as fosters internationalisation and competitiveness of potential start-ups and participating SMEs. Grants are up to € 500,000 per partnership.

EIP is one of the specific programmes under the CIP and has as objectives:
• Better access to finance for SMEs through venture capital investment and loan guarantee instruments;
• Business and innovation support services delivered through a network of regional centres: The Enterprise Europe Network;
• Promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation;
• Support for eco-innovation;
• Support for policy-making that encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

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