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Cancer - Pre-announcement TRANSCAN fourth Joint Transnational Call

The Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding) and ZonMw announce the fourth Joint Transnational Call of Translational Cancer Research (TRANSCAN). Deadline for submitting pre-proposals will probably be March 16, 2015. KWF and ZonMw are partners of the ERA-NET on TRANSCAN. The topic of the call is "Translational research on human tumour heterogeneity to understand and overcome recurrence and resistance to therapy". KWF and ZonMw will commit respectively € 1,000,000 and € 300,000.

The call will be launched in January 2015. The European Commission (EC) will contribute to the TRANSCAN-2 JTC 2014 funding in accordance with the ERA-NET Co-fund scheme. More information can be found here.

The TRANSCAN ERA-NET has been established with the ultimate goal of coordinating the research efforts and funding programmes of EU Member States and Associated Countries in translational cancer research.

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