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GhanaVeg calls for initiatives in vegetable sector re-opened

GhanaVeg is an initiative of The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in line with efforts towards prioritizing commercial agriculture in its 4-years Multi-Annual Strategic Plan (2014-2017). GhanaVeg includes several calls. The Business Opportunity Call Seed Industry and the R&D Innovation Call Input Supply are both re-opened, till June 9, 2014.

The Seed Industry Call will be co-funded for 50% up to € 50,000, with a private sector contribution (in kind or cash) of an equivalent amount. The call R&D Innovation Call on Input Supply will be co-funded for 50% up to € 25,000 for four private sector-led innovative R&D activities.

The mission of GhanaVeg is to establish a sustainable and internationally competitive vegetable sector that contributes to inclusive economic growth and has the capacity to continuously innovate in terms of products and services. Objectives include improving productivity in the vegetable sector; facilitating more efficient markets, including: linking vegetable producers and other value chain operators with the Dutch private sector; improving the business climate and further professionalizing the value chain for vegetable production and consumption in Africa.

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