Two calls for proposals on NWO-WOTRO Security & Rule of Law published
NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development launched two calls for proposals within the research programme Security & Rule of Law in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings. For both calls it is important that the generated innovative insights and ideas are unlocked for and can be applied by practitioners involved in policy and practice of security and rule of law in FCAS. Targeted countries for both calls include: Afghanistan, Burundi, Yemen, Palestinian Territories, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Liberia, East Timor, CAR, DRC, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Somalia, Cote d’Ivoire, Syria or affected countries bordering it.
The Open call for evidence-based policy advice and tools aims to (develop tools that) provide insights in the underlying assumptions, feasibility and/or impact of policies on, or approaches for security and rule of law in fragile and conflict-affected settings (FCAS). The research should fill any knowledge gap perceived by practitioner organisations working in this field. A maximum budget of € 3,000,000 is available for this call. The maximum budget for a single research project is € 100,000 for a project duration of six months. For more detailed information and documents please click here.
The Call for evidence-informed ideas aims to provide innovative ideas for international responses to new threats and challenges to peace, security and development in FCAS. These ideas can relate to research, projects, programmes, approaches, policies and/or tools. A maximum budget of € 500,000 is available. The maximum budget for a single project is € 25,000 and a project can run for a maximum of three months. For more detailed information and documents please click here.
Applications can be submitted ultimately until 6 November 2015, 14.00 hrs CET. However, during this period, three assessment rounds are performed for proposals received at the deadlines of respectively 17 April 2015, 14.00 hrs CET, 17 July 2015, 14.00 hrs CET and 6 November 2015.
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