Joint call India and the Netherlands: Data-driven science - computational and data sciences
The FOM Foundation, in collaboration with the division Physical Sciences of NWO and the Department of Science and Technology (DST) of the Government of India invite proposals for the call data-driven science - computational and data sciences - for smart and sustainable energy research. Deadline for submitting applications is March 29, 2016. The budget available for positions in the Netherlands is € 1.4 million. Funding for the Dutch part of a project is up to € 466,000.
Aim of the call is to stimulate sustainable Indian-Dutch research collaboration by funding joint research projects on the topic of Data Driven Science - Computational and Data Science - for Smart and Sustainable Energy. The interlinkage between computational and data sciences is a special aim. Projects should contribute and foster the collaboration between the best research institutes/groups in both countries. Joint projects should:
contain highly innovative research with strong components in the fields of computational science and/or data science;
have an interdisciplinary character; it will be desirable that the projects have elements from both computational science and data science;
contain high quality scientific research that must be executed by researchers and institutes with excellent track records;
be a cooperation between excellent institutes in both countries (India and the Netherlands); have an application in, or contribute to, smart and sustainable energy research;
aim at scientific collaboration lasting beyond the duration of the research project.
InnoFunding B.V.
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2011 NB Haarlem