Retinitis Pigmentosa - RP Fighting Blindness 2014-2
RP Fighting Blindness invites applications for funding for high quality research projects looking at the causes, potential treatments, and potential cure for retinitis pigmentosa. Deadline for submitting a preliminary proposal is November 15, 2014. Potential applicants should note that only projects that are clearly focused on the society's charitable objectives will be considered. The amount of support differs per project.
RP Fighting Blindness aims to improve understanding of the causes of Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) and related disorders and to identify ways of preventing visual loss or restoring visual function in affected individuals through funding of high quality research; and through this research to encourage and accelerate treatments that halt or remedy the visual loss arising from this disease.
InnoFunding B.V.
Nieuwe Gracht 7
2011 NB Haarlem