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New NWO programme Green (€ 750,000)

NWO has opened a call within the new programme Green - Foundation for sustainable production and processing chains in agriculture and horticulture. Deadline for applications is September 16, 2014. A consortium of researchers and private partners may apply for funding for research that provides the basis for sustainable production and processing chains in agriculture and horticulture, leading to a circular economy with attention for soil health, high-quality crops, and healthy food.

With the programme NWO wants to encourage new fundamental and precompetitive scientific research projects to strengthen the knowledge base and increase the applicability of the knowledge in the economic priority areas Agri&Food and Horticulture & Propagation Materials.

The total budget is € 4,900,000. NWO financing is between € 250,000 and € 750,000. The project consortium must consist of at least one research institute and one private sector partner. There must be at least one private sector partner providing funding for the project in addition to the NWO grant for the proposed project. The project consortium may also consist of several private and public sector partners, acting in combination as cofinancing parties.

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