EC invests €16 billion in funding for research and innovation over next two years
The European Commission (EC) will boost competitiveness by investing almost € 16 billion in research and innovation in the next two years under Horizon 2020 - the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, following a new Work Programme for 2016-2017 which was adopted yesterday. The Work Programme 2016-2017 offers funding opportunities through a range of calls for proposals, public procurements and other actions like the Horizon Prizes, together covering nearly 600 topics.
The programme will support a range of cross-cutting initiatives like the modernisation of Europe's manufacturing industry (€ 1 billion); technologies and standards for automatic driving (over € 100 million); the Internet of Things (€ 139 million) to address digitalisation of EU industries; Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy (€ 670 million) to develop strong and sustainable economies; and Smart and Sustainable Cities (€ 232 million) to better integrate environmental, transport, energy and digital networks in EU's urban environments.
Furthermore, at least € 8 million in funding will be available for research on security of EU's external borders to help identify and prevent human trafficking and smuggling; € 27 million for the new technologies to help prevent crime and terrorism as well as € 15 million for research into the origin and impact of migration flows in Europe. The new Work Programme will also build on successes in health research, such as the Ebola-related breakthrough discoveries already supported by Horizon 2020, by investing € 5 million to respond to the critical outbreak of the damaging olive-tree pest Xylella fastidiosa.
The new Work Programme is also set on improving the impact of Horizon 2020 funding. First, it will ensure more money is available for innovative companies thanks to new leveraging opportunities supported by the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), in addition to over € 740 million dedicated to support research and innovation activities in nearly 2000 small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Horizon 2020 was launched January 1, 2014. Over seven years € 77 billion is being invested in research and innovation projects to support Europe’s economic competitiveness and extend the frontiers of human knowledge. The EU research budget is focused mainly on improving everyday life in areas like health, the environment, transport, food and energy. Research partnerships with the pharmaceutical, aerospace, car and electronics industries also encourage private-sector investment in support of future growth and high-skilled job creation.
Check the Research & Innovation Participant Portal for all new published calls.
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