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'Water resources and wetlands', Tulcea, Romania

Event date:
2012-09-14 An event entitled 'Water resources and wetlands' will take place from 14 to 16 September 2012 in Tulcea, Romania.

With a great deal of attention being focused on water resources in Europe, there is a need to integrate various approaches and angles in the research of inland and sea waters. Part of the challenge is to establish sustainable ways of solving present and future problems generated by the ever more intensive use of water resources for human activities.

The event will offer participants the chance to meet and share experience and knowledge, whether they are researchers, private companies or government institutions.

The programme includes field trips in the Danube Delta, which is one of the largest European wetlands known for its biodiversity and unique habitats, protected under the administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority (DDBRA).

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