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New call CIP EIP China IPR SME Helpdesk

The European Commission has published a new call for proposals for the CIP Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme. Deadline for applications is September 26, 2013. The EIP call China IPR SME Helpdesk - 73-G-ENT-CIP-13-B-N02C02 has a budget of € 1,200,000. The call aims to provide support services to assist EU SMEs to both protect and enforce their intellectual property rights in or relating to China. The target audience is both European SMEs in the EU and those already present in or investing in or otherwise doing business in China.

EIP is one of the specific programmes under the CIP and has as objectives:
• Better access to finance for SMEs through venture capital investment and loan guarantee instruments;
• Business and innovation support services delivered through a network of regional centres: The Enterprise Europe Network;
• Promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation;
• Support for eco-innovation;
• Support for policy-making that encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

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